Why is it important to clean your watches

There are several important reasons to keep your watches clean. To begin, dirt, dust, and sweat can build up over time, giving the watch a dull look and possibly damaging its parts. Keeping the watch clean regularly helps keep its shine and general good looks. Second, cleaning the watch lowers the chance that dirt and other waste will get into the workings of the watch and cause problems or even damages that can’t be fixed. Finally, cleaning your watches lets you take a close look at them, making sure that everything works correctly and finding any problems that might need professional help.

Tools Needed

  • Magnifying glass 

  • Spring bar tool (to remove bracelet) 

  • Antibacterial wipes 

  • Small bowl with warm water 

  • mild soap 

  • Toothpicks 

  • Toothbrush with soft bristles 

  • Microfiber towel 

 If your watch is less than 100 meters of water resistant or has any cracks on the case or dial, take it to a professional. Another point is, if you struggle or are hesitant with any of the steps. Stop what you are doing and take it to a professional, don’t risk scratching or damaging your timepiece.

Step 1: Inspect the watch – Using the magnifying glass, inspect the watch for built in grime around the crown, by the lugs connecting the watch, the dial and all the surfaces of the watch.

Step 2: Remove bracelet – Remove the strap/bracelet off of the watch case with the spring bar tool. You can then clean each part separately, making sure that the whole thing is clean. (The following steps are for stainless steel metal bracelets. Don’t submerge your leather or mesh strap in water.)

Step 3: Use antibacterial wipes with – Use wipes to Remove any surface grime, dust and debris make sure to cover as much surface as possible and soften up the built-up dirt. (If there is any extra grime in the nooks and crannies of the watch, use the toothpick with the a clean wipe and gently remove any excess grime.

Step 4: Soak bracelet in water – Put a little bit of mild soap or watch cleaning solution into a small bowel and fill it with warm water. To make a soapy solution, mix slowly. Use the cleaning solution to dip a soft-bristled brush and gently scrub the clasp, making sure to get all the sides and the back. (for best cleaning result use toothbrush in slow circular motion To get rid of dirt and grime built in between the bracelet.

Step 5: Use Micro fiber towel – Now dry off the bracelet with a microfiber towel and re inspect the watch and the clasp using the magnifying glass to check if you missed anything and or need to repeat any of the previous steps.

Step 6: Reattach bracelet –  After completely drying off the watch case and your bracelet, you can now reassemble your watch, and its ready for use.

Tip: Don’t use harsh chemicals or cleaners, as they can affect the delicate surfaces of your watch

Tips for Maintaining and preventing dirt build up

A few tips to maintain your watch’s cleanliness can go a long way 

Watch box for protecting and storing your watches…

Watch roll for traveling…

wiping the watch every couple weeks can reduce the amount of sweat and dirt built up etc

I’ve listed a video below of a great video example by Everest Horology Products, on why it’s important to clean your watch. and how to properly clean our timeless piece.